

RO Article on Russians, Germans, Americans and a Iohannis that is teeny tiny bit lost among them

By Oana Popescu

June 2016


Iohannis went to Munich just as Romania’s football team usually goes to some game: he took part, but didn’t want the victory enough. It’s not only his fault: but also years of uninspired foreign policy that brought Romania to a marginal position. The president proves that he has understood how far he should go and along which lines. The pace of changes and global crises does not have the patience, however, for the head of state to get familiar with diplomacy: he must learn fast and deliver!

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RO How would you prefer to die? Slowly and painfully, or hit by a nuclear bomb?

By Oana Popescu

June 2016


It’s the main lesson of the British referendum. We got here because we refused to sit down and identify the clear and numerous signs of our collective vulnerabilities and failures, and do something about them. Lest we come to our senses now, next time (because there will definitely be a next time, even if not in the UK) the decision will be to Leave.

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Aspecte Umane ale Mediului Operațional

Aprilie 2012 – Noiembrie 2014 |


Proiectul privind Apecte Umane ale Mediului Operațional a fost menit să consolideze măsurile de menținere a păcii, reconstrucția post-conflict și a capacităților de construire a unei națiuni. Am participat alături de think-tank-uri renumite la nivel mondial, experți și cadre universitare din SUA, Marea Britanie, Germania, Olanda, Republica Cehă, Slovacia, Libia etc. Evenimentul a fost finanțat de NATO.

RO Vacation Is Over

By Oana Popescu

January 2016

Aspen Institute

Romania did indeed take a long vacation after its 2007 EU accession. A process, which literally absorbed the whole creative and executive energy of the country at political, administrative, and social level, the EU/NATO integration was a monumental endeavor and THE national project for at least a generation.

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La ce ar trebui să fim atenți în 2016, atunci cand nu ne concentrăm pe tendințele economice

De Rufin Zamfir

Ianuarie 2016


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