Central Europe Feeling Marginal

By Oana Popescu

June 2013


Central-Eastern Europe has been feeling the earth slipping beneath its feet, as it has been losing precisely these cherished boons. Instead, it has found itself sandwiched between an increasingly aggressive Russia, an EU in crisis and growing disunity, a more stand-offish and disengaged United States and now a more and more unstable and unpredictable vicinity.

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Do Not (Always) Fear When Democracy Takes to the Streets

By Oana Popescu

January 2013

Aspen Institute

The recent political developments in Romania could be a lesson in the dynamics of EU democracy at a time when the EU is struggling with new nationalisms and democratic deficit—if the EU is not too busy with eurozone stability, to the detriment of quality of governance.

Read more at http://www.aspeninstitute.cz/en/article/1-2013-do-not-always-fear-when-democracy-takes-to-the-streets/

The Elephant in the Room (Germany’s choice)

By Oana Popescu

September 2012


For Germany, the deepening of integration is a major economic interest and a crucial political engagement. In a globalised world, the political relevance, economic competitiveness and the security of the EU are dependent on how it comes out of this crisis. And the fate of Germany is fully interlocked with that of the EU.

Read more at https://www.stratfor.com/the-hub/elephant-room-germany%E2%80%99s-choice

Elections without choice

By Oana Popescu

June 2012


In a debate at the Copenhagen Business School, moderator and CNN anchor Richard Quest was asking panelists and students which of the numerous and important elections this year would be more instrumental in setting the tone globally – both from an economic and political point of view. US? France? Russia? China? Greece? All of the above? Or will none change the course of the world in any radical way?

Read more at https://www.stratfor.com/the-hub/elections-without-choice