Eastern Focus digital quarterly is launching a call for contributions to its fourth issue, dedicated to exploring The World After Tomorrow (i.e. how will the world change after COVID-19?) from a regional perspective. The whole issue will be framed around disruption/disruptive glocal trends (political, economical, geopolitical) and aims to anticipate the parameters of the post-pandemic new normal and their impact on the broader region. Articles that are focused on the structural trends with a long-term impact are prioritised.

Between 1 – 24 November 2019, GlobalFocus Center, in cooperation with MEMO 98, monitored 102 public Facebook accounts of political parties, candidates, politicians, media, and other influential actors involved in the presidential election. Analysis observed 168 posts dedicated to disinformation in relation to the presidential elections by various accounts, especially by media and influencers.

De Oana Popescu Zamfir
Este foarte greu de anticipat cum va fi Romania afectata de Brexit. Unul dintre principalele reprosuri facute lui Boris Johnson de catre Parlamentul britanic cand a impins acordul cu UE a fost tocmai ca el nu are la baza niciun fel de studiu de impact, in primul rand economic, dar si social. Asadar nici Marea Britanie nu stie cum va fi afectata ea insasi de Brexit.

The GlobalFocus Center team wishes you happy holidays and a fruitful New Year!

The GlobalFocus Center together with the European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS) hosted on Friday, December 6, 2019, in Bucharest experts and diplomats from the European Union for a meeting discussing the future of the Eastern Partnership, lessons learned during the past decade and challenges that lay ahead.

Rounding off NATO’s 70th anniversary year, heads of governments will convene in London on December 4, 2019 to examine how the Euro-Atlantic Alliance adapts and maintains security for its Allies in a rapidly changing world.
GlobalFocus Center partnered with the Atlantic Council, GLOBSEC, King’s College London, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI) London and the Munich Security Conference for this year’s #NATOEngages, a special “Town Hall” event on December 3, the eve of the summit. The debates will set the scene and facilitate a broader conversation by bringing together policymakers and officials with other institutions such as think tanks and universities, as well as the public.