We No Longer Live Under a Crystal Ball

By Oana Popescu

April 2016

Dilema Veche

We now have the same old reflex to turn to simplistic and inadequate explanations and solutions. We have embraced multiculturalism, but stripped it of its substance: the dialogue between cultures, that leads to reciprocal respect, understanding and acceptance, to cohabitation based on common principles and respect for European laws and values, with the aim to identify and consolidate what we have in common.

Read more at http://dilemaveche.ro/sectiune/tema-saptamanii/articol/nu-mai-traim-sub-un-glob-de-cristal

Hooked on the Same Line – Do We Feel Safer or Freer? On the Costs of Cybersecurity

By Rufin Zamfir

February 2016


The problem is not one of looking into the need for a legal package to regulate cybersecurity, but one of identifying the best way to formulate norms and implementation methodologies, so that the package can also prove efficient. Is wire-tapping a fair price to pay for being protected?  

Read more at http://adevarul.ro/news/politica/legea-securitatii-cibernetice-analiza-swot-1_56bde6775ab6550cb8b936c8/index.html

What to Pay Attention to in 2016 apart from Economic Trends

By Rufin Zamfir

January 2016


GlobalFocus presents (a highly compressed version of) its analysis on geopolitical and geostrategic developments in the world. Far from us the intention to submerge into an exhaustive endeavour: the predictions collected below are based on the conclusions deriving from GlobalFocus activities throughout the past year, to which we add adjustments deriving from our – internal as well as external – collaborations with experts.  

Read more at http://adevarul.ro/international/in-lume/ultimularticol-previziuni-2016-sau-trebui-fimatenti-2016-atunci-nu-neconcentram-tendintele-economice-1_5694d62737115986c6682e82/index.html

The Uncle That Fled to Germany, the Scary Refugee and the Collective Stockholm Syndrome

By Oana Popescu

September 2015


My uncle fled to Germany in 1986. He had a good life at home and did not experience persecution from the communists. My friends “took refuge” in Spain and Germany prior to 2007. They weren’t suffering of starvation, nor did they have the legal right to work or reside in the EU. Instead of holding others accountable to strict standards that we ourselves do not abide by, we should rather focus on efficiently managing a phenomenon that is here to stay.

Read more at http://adevarul.ro/international/europa/unchiul-fugit-germania-refugiatul-fioros-sindromul-stockholmcolectiv-1_55ec41f6f5eaafab2c519b5a/index.html

Romania’s Kosovo File

By Rufin Zamfir

June 2015


Romania’s foreign policy priorities, as EU Member State, includes supporting Serbia’s integration to full EU membership status. The context Brussels has defined for EU enlargement for the next five years gives Romania a well needed time off to reconsider how its stance towards Kosovo’s status can contribute to forging a European path for Serbia.

Read more at http://adevarul.ro/international/europa/dosarulkosovo-politica-externa-romaniei-1_556da578cfbe376e35d99d5b/index.html

How to Deliver Super-Breaking News Ethically: “We Can Confirm that a Missile Hit Kandahar Airport Yesterday”

By Oana Popescu

June 2015


Missile attacks on the Kandahar base are frequent. The reason is that the missiles the Talibans/insurgents have at their disposal are often handcrafted and so, have very low target precision. That is why they are used to hit objectives on an open ground, covering a large surface, as was the case of the Kandahar base, where there is a chance they do hit something, despite the low degree of precision.

Read more at http://adevarul.ro/news/eveniment/superbreaking-news-deontologicputem-confirma-racheta-lovit-aeroportul-kandahar-isaf-joint-command-1_53b1521c0d133766a8048f8a/index.html